JM Tobacco, known for its wide range of value-priced cigars, has released its latest offering to retail, the JM’s Nicaraguan line. A hand-made Cuban sandwich style cigar, the line is available in eight sizes ranging from a 5 1/2 x 42 corona to a 6 3/4 x 62 gordo grande, all with prices under $3 per cigar. The line gets its name from its Nicaraguan filler, while the binder is a maduro-fermented Connecticut broadleaf. On top of that sits a choice of a Indonesian-grown Sumatra or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrapper. The company describes the new cigar as delivering “a creamy-smooth smoke, with hints of nuts and chocolate.” In a press release, JM Tobacco’s president Anto Mahroukian said the JM’s Nicaragua is a “sweet smoke, with a flavor and body that are tailored to the three-to-four-a-day smoker.” With the addition of JM’s Nicaraguan, Mahroukian cited the completion of JM’s program to unify the features of the five JM’s product category. “All the box art, graphics and text is identical between the lines, varying only in their color combinations for easy identification; the Nicaraguan is yellow with blue trim–the Nicaraguan flag’s colors–everything else is consistent across the JM’s series: box graphics and text, ...