So you want a good humidor. As has been mentioned a few times before on this site, most humidors sold today are not very good. Unfortunately, $100 will almost certainly not buy you a nice, new Spanish cedar humidor. If you are looking for a solid, heirloom quality humidor—it’s not a bad place to start with the three Ds—Davidoff, Diamond Crown/Craftsman’s Bench and Daniel Marshall. The California-based craftsman gained notoriety thanks to his Treasure Dome humidor, which was made popular by Marshall’s friend, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Daniel Marshall makes a variety of humidors, but for those that want a well-made basic humidor, you will likely find yourself looking at his Ambiente line. For the most part, the Ambiente humidors stay away from exotic wood finishes on the outside, although it retains the similar structural quality. I’ve spent the last year with the Ambiente 20125 125 Cigar ($445), which measures 14 x 10 x 5 1/2 inches and features a simple black lacquer on the outside. There’s a felt bottom and a functional lock and key, albeit the latter was not even tested until it came time to write this review. Until you’ve had a brand new humidor with Spanish cedar it’s hard to ...