After a slightly delay, Davidoff of Geneva USA began shipping the latest release from its newest brand, Slackers from B.G. Meyer Co. B.G. Meyer Co. is a partnership between Davidoff and Hollywood producer Rob Weiss. The first cigar, Standard Issue, shipped in July with a formal debut at the 2014 IPCPR convention and trade show alongside Slackers, a 4 x 48 petit robusto that uses an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper over Dominican fillers. Slacker is unique because it marks the first time any of the brands that fall under the Camacho umbrella—Ditka, Room101 and B.G. Meyer Co.—has made a cigar at a factory other than the Camacho factory in Honduras. In this case, the cigar is made in the Dominican Republic. at Occidental Cigar Factory. Mike Ditka, Matt Booth of Room101 and Weiss all serve on Camacho’s Board of Bold as brand ambassadors. Pricing is set at $4 per cigar, which are offered in tins of four cigars, packed in sleeves of five tins for 20 cigars total. Slackers was originally slated for an August release.