Earlier this year, General Cigar Co. announced it would be releasing a new blend called Cohiba Nicaragua, which would use Nicaraguan tobacco for the binder and filler and a Honduran Jamastran Colorado oscuro wrapper rolled at the company’s Nicaraguan factory. Four different sizes were announced ranging in price from $9.99 to $14.99, and with three out of the four vitolas being sold in boxes of 16 cigars. The Cohiba Nicaragua is scheduled to be released in November. Jhonys Diaz, vice president of operations for General Cigar, had this to say about the new blend: It was a laborious process to develop a Nicaraguan cigar to complement the existing Cohiba portfolio. This cigar is layered and sophisticated. It delivers the complexity and strength of Nicaragua, with a bold and balanced flavor not achieved by any Nicaraguan puro on the market. There will be four different vitolas of the Cohiba Nicaragua at launch. Cohiba Nicaragua N45 (4 x 45)— $9.99 (Box of 16, $159.84) Cohiba Nicaragua N50 en Crystale (5 x 50)— $12.99 (Box of 8, $103.92) Cohiba Nicaragua N54 (5 1/2 x 54)— $13.99 (Box of 16, $223.84) Cohiba Nicaragua N60 (6 x 60)— $14.99 (Box of 16, $239.84) Cigar Reviewed: Cohiba Nicaragua N54 Country of Origin: Nicaragua Factory: STG Estelí Wrapper: Honduran Jamastran Colorado oscuro Binder: ...